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Authentic Egyptian Backdrop

The Ten Commandments: Filming Locations

Authentic Egyptian Backdrop

Cecil B. DeMille's iconic 1956 film "The Ten Commandments" was famously filmed on location in Egypt, including Mount Sinai and the Sinai Peninsula. This decision to shoot in the actual biblical locations added an unparalleled level of authenticity and immersion to the film.

Debunking the Mount Teide Myth

Despite claims by some overly enthusiastic tour guides, "The Ten Commandments" was not filmed at Mount Teide in the Canary Islands. The film was entirely shot in Egypt, with the Egyptian coastline used as a stand-in for the shores of the Red Sea.

Iconic Cast and Production

Starring Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as Pharaoh Ramses, "The Ten Commandments" also featured Anne Baxter and Edward G. Moses in supporting roles. DeMille's meticulous attention to detail and epic storytelling made this film a cinematic masterpiece.


The decision to film "The Ten Commandments" on location in Egypt was a bold and groundbreaking move that enhanced the film's authenticity and impact. DeMille's unwavering commitment to realism left a lasting impression on audiences, creating a cinematic experience that continues to be remembered and enjoyed decades later.
