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Former Arsenal Star Keown Reveals Confrontation With Arsene Wenger

Former Arsenal star Keown reveals 'confrontation' with Arsene Wenger

Keown says he once confronted Wenger in the Arsenal dressing room after they had just won 3-0.

Former Arsenal defender Martin Keown has revealed that he once confronted manager Arsene Wenger in the dressing room after a 3-0 win.

Keown said he was angry with Wenger for not giving him enough credit for his performance in the match.

"I went into the dressing room and I said, 'You never give me any credit'," Keown said in an interview with The Athletic.

"And he said, 'You're right, I don't.' And I said, 'Why not?' And he said, 'Because you're so good, I take it for granted.'"

Keown said he was surprised by Wenger's response, but he was also grateful for his honesty.

"It was a bit of a shock, but I also appreciated his honesty," Keown said.

"It showed me that he knew how good I was, and that he appreciated my contribution to the team.
