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Climate Change Skeptics Find Their Muse

Naomi Seibt: The Young Climate Change Denier

Climate Change Skeptics Find Their Muse

Naomi Seibt, a 21-year-old German woman, has become a darling of climate change skeptics for her videos denouncing climate alarmism. Seibt's videos, which she posts on her YouTube channel, have garnered millions of views.

Seibt's Claims

In her videos, Seibt argues that climate change is not caused by human activity and that the scientific consensus on climate change is exaggerated. She also claims that the Green New Deal, a proposed set of policies to address climate change, is a "socialist agenda."

Criticism of Seibt

Seibt's claims have been widely criticized by scientists and climate activists. Critics point out that Seibt's videos are not supported by scientific evidence and that she relies on cherry-picked data and misleading arguments.


Naomi Seibt's rise to fame is a sign of the growing polarization of the climate change debate. While some people are becoming increasingly concerned about the threat of climate change, others are adopting a more skeptical stance. Seibt's videos provide a platform for those who deny the science of climate change, and they are likely to continue to find a receptive audience.

Connect with Naomi on Social Media

Follow Naomi on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
